Saturday, October 29, 2011

Caramel Corn

I had to work today.  3 hours was all and I was beyond busy.  I haven't worked a Saturday like that in a really long time.  The time went by so fast though and it was nice.  I got home and Dane, Cody and I went to Mr. Pizza for lunch.  I had a piece of cheesecake.  I'm not going to lie and say it wasn't good.  It was a.m.a.z.i.n.g!  I had the raspberry white chocolate slice and it was so light and yummy.  I have to squeeze the directions out of Heather up there on how she does it. 

So after that I couldn't stop there with sweets.  It is a Saturday of course and who doesn't think of fun things to make on the weekends?  Cody was going to be my helper today as his brother was gone with Grandpa hunting.  We decided on caramel corn.  I've never made this before with regular popcorn.  I've only made that puff caramel corn.  Because I didn't have the puff corn, I thought we'd try this out.  Oh people, it was awesome!!  Here's a shot of it cooling on my counter.

And because it was so yummy and making my kitchen smell like a fall caramel candy shop, and because we were having so much popping 12 quarts of popcorn (Cody was in charge of popping the popcorn), we decided to bag some of it up in cute little bags with Halloween ribbon to pass out to some friends and family....we still have some bags left so let me know if you'd like a bag!  Here they are, all ready to go!

Caramel Corn

1 cup butter
2 cups brown sugar
1/2 cup dark karo syrup
1 tsp salt
3/4 tsp baking soda
1 tsp real vanilla
6 quarts popped popcorn

Pop your popcorn.  Melt butter in pot on the stove, add sugar, syrup and salt. Bring to a boil for about 4 minutes with no stirring. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Stir that in before adding baking soda. This mixture will foam up a little bit.  I used my roaster pan and sprayed it with pam.  You can use any big pan you have that can go in the oven. Pour the popcorn into the pan. Add the mixture and stir until the popcorn is coated. Bake in your oven at 250 degrees for about 35 minutes stirring every 10 or so. Spread onto wax paper to dry and eat. -if you can't wait for it to dry and cool, go ahead and have a taste!  We did! *wink*

I followed a basic recipe I found online but that called for light karo syrup and I didn't have any.  It also called for less baking soda but I added a little more.  One more said to bake for 1 hour. I thought my caramel corn would be rock hard if I did that so I tried it at 35 minutes. It was perfect for me and I pulled it out.  Melts in your mouth!

He's so proud of his very first trophy that has his name and football number engraved in it.  Proud momma had to jump right up front to get a snap of my boy!

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