Sunday, October 16, 2011


Sunday-Funday!  It is sure beginning to feel like fall outside.  The wind is blowing like crazy and so are the leaves.  Brady had a little fun...check out that hair!!  When I saw how this picture turned out I had to laugh out loud.  That boy is so funny sometimes.

Dad made the biggest pile of leaves in the backyard for the boys to jump much fun!  We also got the garden cleaned up for winter, that is always such a big job.  I have a feeling I will be sore tomorrow! 

Today I made a big bowl of chicken salad for lunch.  It is a quick and easy recipe that I follow.  I put chicken breast, chopped onion, chopped celery, red grapes and chopped apples in it.  Add a little mayo and Y-U-M!  We stuff it into the crossiants...light and healthy!

Cody had his last day of soccer yesterday.  He scored a goal and talked about it the entire day.  He walked into grandma's with his medal and said, "Look what I got!  I think we got second place."  They don't keep score at this age but he was so proud.  I had to take a picture of him with dad and his new medal.

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