Thursday, November 10, 2011

Baked Penne Pasta

You always take a risk of your dinner being a flop when you try something new that nobody you know has made before.  I came upon a website the other day that was full of different recipes with pictures.  It's the picture that sold me, not the recipe.  There is kind of a lot to this recipe, a few ingredients that I wouldn't normally have in my pantry....but the picture...oh the creamy sauce that covered the fresh cooked broccoli and penne pasta.  The smoke mozzarella cheese that I grated into the warm cream sauce..the bright sun-dried tomatoes and the garlic...6 cloves of garlic...YUM!  So here's my picture of my dinner tonight.  Not as pretty as the picture I had found but you still can see everything that's in it.

I have included the link to find this recipe.  I didn't change a single thing on this recipe.  I followed it exactly how she wrote it.  If you have a little extra time to prepare dinner one night, you're going to want to try this.  You will not be disappointed.  If you like pasta at the Olive Garden or some other yummy pasta place, it's going to taste like you just brought it to your dining room table.  My parents were the lucky ones to be called to help eat it up.  My dad had two big servings and my mom asked for a copy of the recipe.  It's really not a hard recipe to follow.  Seems like a lot of work but if you do the prep work before you get started cooking, it will save you time and prevent you from running around your kitchen trying to get everything together.  I also used a couple of pans instead of just one like she did.  I think it speeds up the cooking/prep time and what's another dish to wash?! 

Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday.  I am ready for the weekend even though it's going to be cold.  One of my goals for the weekend would be to get the boys' winter stuff all together and and every other mom out there!


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