Monday, November 7, 2011

A beef roast

I put a big beef roast in the crock pot before work this morning.  It was so nice to come home and not have to dirty up the kitchen.  I don't do a whole lot to my beef roast....I just add a little water in the bottom, a couple of beef bouillon cubes and season the meat.  Since I don't have a lot left over after we all eat, my mom gave me the idea of what I could do with the little bit of left overs.  What I do is take the left overs and put them in a gallon size freezer bag.  In my freezer from other roasts, I had 2 helpings of left overs.  Tonight would be 3 and so I took what I had in the freezer, added it back to the juice in the crock-pot with what I had from tonight and once it was all warmed through, I took it out and shredded it all.  I added a mixture of a couple BBQ sauces I had in the fridge and whala!  I have dinner for tomorrow night all ready to go.  I'll stop and get some fresh buns on my lunch hour and we'll have pulled BBQ beef sandwiches.  YUM!  Who doesn't like a warm BBQ sandwich? 

They are talking snow in our near future.  I am trying not to think so badly of it since we have no way around it here in Minnesota.  So we'll see what we have when we wake up tomorrow morning.  All I know is the colder it gets outside, the harder it is to come out from those warm covers in the morning.  I love being all bundled up under those down comforters with my flannel pj pants on.  It's so cozy!

I didn't take any pictures of my beef roast.  I don't think they are too pretty to look at and I think everyone sort of already knows what a big slab of meat on a plate looks like.  Instead I'll give you a couple from the apple orchard we went to a couple of weeks ago.  I wonder if this family could stand living on a farm?  I think it would be a blast and for how much my boys love animals, we'd probably have a whole farm full.

Cody loved to feed the animals.  I think he would have stayed all day if we would have let him. 

The boy who has always loved to pose for the camera...  Was he trying to sell you a pumpkin by chance?  We took that boy and that pumpkin home that day!


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