Thursday, November 3, 2011

Cookie Dough Pops

It was our annual chili feed at work today.  Everyone that wants to participate brings in a dish to pass.  This year there were 6 chili cooks.  They bring in their favorite chili recipe prepared and then they all dump them together in a big roaster pan.  It doesn't sound like it would be that great but it's always amazing!  I found an idea on a blog I read the other day,  She made these chocolate chip cookie dough pops.  Of course mine didn't turn out as perfect as hers but I was happy with my first try.

How they take your favorite cookie dough recipe and mix it all together.  Since you won't be baking these, you'll want to substitute each egg in the recipe for 1 Tbs of milk.  My recipe calls for two eggs so I put in 2 Tbs of milk.  Once I got it all together, it wasn't quite at the consistency that I wanted so I added about another 2 tsp more of milk. Then I rolled them into bite size balls.  Brady helped me with the next step.

We melted a little bit of white almond bark, dipped the candy sticks in it just slightly, and then stuck them into the cookie dough balls.  The almond bark was used as a "glue" to hold the stick into the cookie dough ball.  Here they all, ready to go into the freezer for a while.

After they were nice and frozen, I took them out a few at time and dipped them into the melted almond bark.  I wanted to put pretty sprinkles on them so I had them all ready to go.  You have to be quick about this because with the cookie dough being so cold, it will harden the almond bark fast.  It's best to have a piece of styrofoam ready because you'll need some place to stick these once you've dipped and sprinkled!

Of course when I ran to walmart to get the almond bark, they were completely out of Halloween sprinkles so I just used what I had.  Fun huh?  I packaged them all up into little clear bags and tied them with a ribbon.  Then I got out one of my favorite baskets and set them in it for our chili feed today.

For some reason, the almond bark on mine cracked a little bit.  I'll have to do some searching online to find out why and how to prevent that the next time.  They still looked pretty though and tasted like a nice big scoop of cookie dough that nobody can leave alone while baking cookies.  Who else would rather eat cookie dough than the actual cookie?!
One for you...

And one for me....

Yep, it tastes as good as it looks!  A glass of milk is a great thing to have on hand when biting into these babies!
One thing I would recommend, if making a chocolate chip cookie dough like I did, use the mini chocolate chips.  Because the little pops are smaller, I didn't want to bite into a bit chocolate chip.  Plus the mini ones look better I think.

As far as Brady's nose goes....he got to skip the procedure.  Once the doctor got a better look in his nose and removed some fun stuff that shouldn't be in there, she said we could wait on the procedure if we wanted.  Brady couldn't say "YES" fast enough.  He was white as a ghost when her team walked into that room.  I would be nervous too having someone up in my nose holes.  So, all is good and we'll keep an eye on his nose bleeds for now.

There's a new fun nail polish out and I had to try it.  I can't remember the last time I bought myself some.  There were so many fun colors, I couldn't decide.  Guess I know what I'll be sticking in the gift bags of my God daughter's birthdays this year!

Excuse Moi! is the color I bought and it's from OPI.  It's full of sparkle and fun!  I should be a hand model on QVC, don't you think??

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