Monday, December 5, 2011

Celebrating Birthdays

Our first big snowfall hit us this weekend.  As much as I don't enjoy the cold, the snow was amazing.  It was so white and so fluffy.  The big snow flakes just fell straight from the sky.  Of course I grabbed my camera.  I snapped some pictures on the way to my parent's house on Sunday.  Probably not a good idea while I am driving and the roads aren't the greatest but hey, nobody else was really on the roads and I managed to stay on my side the entire time.  Take a look..aren't they amazing?  I didn't change these to black and white by the way, these are barely edited at all.

Silver Lake is already slightly iced over.  It was so pretty!

We celebrated Aunt Danelle's birthday last week at our local pizza place, Mr. Pizza.  She turned the big 26 so we had to go celebrate.  Hard to image that I have been around that girl since she was 11 years old.  Seems like forever ago.

Finally last night we went to hang out with friend's for a special little birthday party.  My God daughter Brynn is turning 1 this week and we had to party!  We picked out her very first baby.  She loved it.  She smiled and waved her arms in excitement.  I took a couple of pictures of her that I thought I would share.  Here she is with her pretty momma Sara.  Sara and I have been good friends since grade school.  She's very sweet and always fun to be around. Funny as I look at this, it almost looks like Sara was trying to coordinate her shirt color to make Brynn's cake! 

And of course I got a picture of the traditional stuff your little heart out on your very first cake photo!!!  I think Brynn was for sure on a sugar high after all this frosting!

Happy 1st Birthday baby Brynn!  I don't know where that first year went!


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