Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My little church boy

Half way through the week, tomorrow is my Friday.  I have to work Saturday morning so I took Friday as my comp day.  Looking forward to it.  Last minute running for Christmas, some baking perhaps, and more than likely not sitting down to enjoy it.  Still any day off is a fun day no matter what you do.

Tonight the boys had their last church class until after the first of the year.  Cody was in a little Christmas program the 1st grade class put on for everyone.  He did such a great job.  He remembered his motions he was to do and remembered his song he was to sing.  He was a Wiseman. 

All the kids did a great job.  It was sure fun to watch.

I cut my hair!  Almost 6 inches off the bottom.  It feels wonderful.  My hair was down to the middle of my back.  Brady told me he didn't like it.  He said girls are suppose to have long hair and my hair is suppose to be blonde too....he's only 9 and that's how he thinks?  Oh goodness!
What do you think?

Sorry for the angle, my arms aren't the longest and Brady and I were the only ones around.  I didn't want to be in the picture all by myself so I pulled him in with me.  I believe this is also the first close up of my pretty pretty braces!  I am not a fan but I can already tell a difference in my smile and they are really worth it to me.  I am really liking how they are making my teeth nice and straight again.

Our snow is gone.  It's been raining all day and close to 40 degrees outside.  The boys asked if we were ever going to get snow for winter....I just don't know!


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