Thursday, December 22, 2011

T'was the last day of school before Christmas break

2 days until Christmas Eve!  Oh it's a busy week!  Evening work at home is for sure crazier than daytime work.  Today was the boys' last day of school for 11 days.  They were so excited.  I remember those days though.  You couldn't wait for your Christmas break, I couldn't wait to sleep in.  Tomorrow is my last day of work for 10 days as well.  I am taking off at 1pm tomorrow and can hardly wait.  Saturday I am going to sleep in for sure!  Now that the boys are old enough to pour their own cereal I can do that.
In honor of their last day of school they got to have wacky hair day today and wear comfy clothes.  This is how it turned out.

I thought in front of the Christmas tree would be perfect.  I told Brady he reminded me of Alfalfa from the Little Rascals...I said to him as we were walking into school, "Oh Alfalfa, you make my heart melt like a popsicle on the 4th of July!"  That was one of my favorite lines that Darla said to her sweetie in that movie.  He didn't think it was that funny.  He looked at me like I was really weird.  Well I am most days!

I whipped up a little craft project yesterday and gave one lucky lady a set of 6 for a gift today.  Glad you liked them Katie!  I loved how they turned out and can't wait to make more to have on hand for little gifts.

They are little magnets.  I took a bottle cap, a clear plastic sticker, a 1 inch circle paper punch, paper, and a magnet to make the cutest little magnet for your fridge.  Finding a neat way to package them was the hard part.  You know what that is?  It's the top to a jar candle!  I had an old one in my cupboard that is on it's way to the garbage so I took the top off and stuck them all in there.  Turned out adorable!

I found a bag of 100 bottle caps on ebay the other day that had free shipping.  100 caps for $6, what a cheap, fun gift that I can personalize any way I want.  You can make these for any occasion.  If I had small kids that were just learning the alphabet, I could even make a set of letters.  They will not come apart, the super glue isn't going to come off.  I had 3 fingers glued together last night while I was making some!  Thank you again pinterest for the neat idea.

Brady thought it would be fun to show you a couple other members of our family.  It was hard to get a clear picture as they are moving fast at feeding time.  The pretty goldfish, I can't believe he is still alive.  Cody won him at the county fair this summer.  He came home in a plastic box with luke warm water.  Only God knows how many days he went without food while sitting in the hot sun at the fair.  I remember the day too, it was horribly hot out.  Brady was in a baseball tournament and my brother Jim and his girlfriend Shelby took Cody to the fair for something fun to do.  He still lives today in our fish tank with our algae eater that we've had for 4 years now.

Algae eaters are usually stuck to the glass or to the bottom of the tank.  Our algae comes up swimming at night when we feed "shark" as Cody calls him, and enjoys the goldfish food as well.  I've thought about getting a couple more friends but am afraid I would harm the ones we have.  So for now, we have Algae and Shark in a nice big tank at home.

Have a great night, my eyes are burning from being so tired.  Tomorrow afternoon the flour will be flying in the kitchen...I can already taste those moist red velvet cupcakes!!

Not sure why Cody does this "throw-up" with his hands...must be the cool thing to do nowadays??

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