Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandma

My Grandma is 80 today.  We went out for pizza last night to celebrate.  That's what she wanted.  I bought her a really nice bouquet of flowers but didn't get a picture because they were all wrapped up nice and tight so they would stay protected from the cold.  I think she loved her birthday dinner.  The boys went through every one's quarters they had in their pockets and wallets.  I think in the 2 hours we were there, they probably spent about $20 in quarters.  All they came home with was a couple of tattoos and 7 bouncy balls.  Grandma's cake was decorated with pink roses.  Her favorite color is pink.  You'll find pink furniture, pink walls, and pink carpet in Grandma's house.  Lots and lots of pink! 
We sang happy birthday and she blew out her 5 candles with one blow...no boyfriends!

Thanks to pinterest and my brother's girlfriend Shelby, I did a little craft project over the weekend.  Coasters.  So simple to make.  I bought plain tiles at Home Depot for $.16.  I went to the craft store and picked up some mod podge, a sheet of felt with the sticky back, and a can of clear spray paint.  I already had craft paper at home so I didn't need to buy that.

I cut the piece of paper into a 4x4 square.  Next I painted the mod podge all over the back of the paper square making sure I covered it completely, especially the corners and edges.  Next I placed it on the tile, making sure it was nice and center.  I laid them all out on a big plastic bag and spray painted them until they were well coated.  I let them dry overnight before sticking the felt on the back.  I put little squares of felt on the corners of the back, just enough to keep it from scratching the table. 

Cute huh?  You can do any paper you want.  I want to find some old antique paper, I think those would look super cute!
These are the ones Brady picked out to do.  Not sure what he needs a coaster for, maybe his desk...

I'm having a hard time getting to sleep lately.  From having a whole week off and all these ideas floating through my head, it's hard to fall asleep.  Maybe I should stop going to bed with a craft book??  Dane tells me I need one of those lights I can attach to my head so I can lay in my bed and read all night.  That would look cute!


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