Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A stinking cold and a chicken dish

Seriously, I have had a cough since Sunday after my race.  I can not get rid of it.  I grab for my inhaler every 4 hours.  I have given in and started taking cough syrup.  It makes all the hairs on the back of my arms stand up when I drink it.  It's icky.  It does help me sleep though.  Dane says I snore.  I'd rather snore than cough!  I can sleep through the snoring, I can't through the coughing.  He's no saint either, he snores....and I have the video on my phone to prove it.  He has one of me too but mine is much better than his.  With feeling under the weather, I have not gotten to the gym or outside to run all week.  Man do I feel that.  Not exercising makes me eat bad....and drink diet coke.  I had two cupcakes today.  Did I need two cupcakes?  NO!  But they were good!

I had to make some for a friend so of course I had left overs.  Who can resist these?

Not me!  I had one of each flavor today.  One before lunch and one after.  YUM

The boys spent over an hour last night on the computer looking at all the pictures I have taken over the years.  They were getting really confused with who was who when they were babies.  The only way for Brady to tell was by looking at the year.  They were giggling like crazy looking at all the silly poses I got of them.

See the kleenex in the photo?  That is my second box at home I have opened just for myself.  I have also gone through two full boxes at work by myself.  I sure would like to know where all of that junk comes from.  At least it's coming out though right?  Ready for food talk?  Ha!

So tonight I made a chicken dish from the Pioneer Woman's cookbook.  I thought I was going to burn down the house.  Cody got really nervous and had to run for the fan.
First I took a package of 3 chicken breasts and sliced them all in half making 6 thinner chicken cutlets.  I seasoned them with salt and pepper.

Next I browned them on medium to high heat in a skillet with olive oil and butter.  I took them out and set them on a plate.

This is where the smokey part started.  I took 3 garlic cloves, minced them, then added them to the hot skillet.  I turned the skillet down to medium so the garlic wouldn't burn.  Next I added 1 cup of white wine to the skillet.....SMOKE alert!!!  This is where Cody's face turned completely white.  He freaked out and thought for sure the police were going to come because of the "fire".  Once I got the skillet cooled down a little, I simmered the wine for a few minutes and added two heaping Tbs of mustard.  One Tbs was dijon mustard and the other was a grainy mustard.  Next was some heavy cream.  Heavy cream?  Yes, just a 1/4 of a cup.  I also added a 1/4 of a cup of chicken broth.  I simmered this on the stove until it started to thicken.  It wasn't getting as thick as I wanted so I added about a Tbs of flour.  That worked well.  Once I got the sauce to the consistency that I wanted, I put my chicken back in the skillet.

I only left the chicken in for a couple of minutes because it was already cooked and I didn't want to dry it out.

Served with some butter noodles and ta-da!  Dinner is served!  Now, mine does not quite look like the Pioneer Woman's photo but it's pretty close.  She used Brandy instead of White Wine but said you could use either.  I don't have any Brandy at home so we used the wine.
If I was going to rate this chicken on a 1-10, I would probably give it a 7 or 8.  I like mustard with chicken but this wasn't my absolute favorite.  I would maybe make it again, maybe trying the Brandy instead of the wine?  I think with the mustard and wine, it was almost a little too tart.  We'll see what Dane thinks.  He had a side job tonight so his left overs are in the fridge.


Cody was the first one in our family to get sun kissed cheeks!  What a cute little boy!

Nite!  Ps.....tomorrow I go to the orthodontist.  Last month she told me they were coming off in April.  Will tomorrow be the day?  Come back to find out!  If it happens tomorrow morning, you can guarantee I will be licking my front teeth ALL day long..

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