Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Three bursts of color

I ran out to my garden tonight after baseball to check things out.  Remember the first spot of color I had in my garden?  Well it's become a deeper blue-purple color and it's beautiful!

I am in love with perennials in the garden!

Hello little miniature iris.  I am so glad you survived the frost we have had the last couple of nights.  You didn't bloom last year as you were brand new and so tiny.  I am glad to see you have joined the perennial beds and shown the rest of them how pretty you are.

 I am not 100% sure on what these are but I am going to guess and say blue bells?  Anyone know?  Grandma?
The three bursts of color are here and they are all a blue-purple.  I love each of them and their bright green leaves.  Having a garden and getting things to grow and be healthy is so rewarding.  I'd say gardening is relaxing but really it is hard work at times.  Those weeds are nasty and as much as you'd like them to leave your garden and never return, it doesn't happen.  One weed talks to the next weed and then before you know it, there are millions that have come to visit the garden.
Last year I planted 8 pepper plants behind my tomato plants.  They were tiny when I planted them but knew in time they would grow and produce more than enough peppers.  My darling husband thought he would be sweet one day and run the tiller around all of my newly planted vegetable plants.  I came home from work to find my garden looking extra sharp.  Not a weed in sight.  I was impressed and very thankful for his help.  I went to the tomatoes and then to the peppers....hmmm, where are the peppers?  Dane said he never saw any peppers and didn't believe I even planted them.  I know I planted peppers and right back here behind the tomatoes they were to be.  Nope, all gone...weed and pepper plant free.  So last year we had no peppers.  It's a good thing plants are so cheap to buy when you get them small and on sale.  I could have gone to buy more peppers but I didn't.  It gave me an excuse to check out the local farmers market.  I love that place.  Have you ever gone to one?  An outdoor farmers market?  If you haven't, you must.
You can find all sorts of fresh fruit and veggies, fresh meats and farm eggs.  Ladies even bring in freshly baked pies, breads and cookies.  I have seen honey and jams as well.  I love going to get the apples and watermelons.  It's endless what you can find.  If you go, be sure to bring a sturdy cloth bag, a wagon, or a husband to carry your goods.  I went one year with a toddler and 5 year old by myself and it was hard work!  Poor Brady carried a whole watermelon to the car, I had a bag of apples and a cantaloupe in one arm and Cody and my horribly heavy purse on the other arm.  I often wonder why in the world I even carry a purse.  It becomes a garbage bag, a cooler, a camera bag, and the thing it's actually for...money??  Hardly ever any in there!  Anyways, on the way out Brady spotted a little carton of raspberries, one of his favorites....oh dear, how will we ever carry that little tiny carton of raspberries?!  Well Cody's arms were free, all he was doing was bouncing on my hip with nothing better to do than to carry raspberries.  We made it to the car, hot, tired and ready to dig into our fresh fruit.  If you've never been to one, go..you will love it and become a regular every Saturday morning.


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