Sunday, May 13, 2012

I'm back!

Happy Mother's Day!  The weather couldn't have been better to share with my family.  We celebrated Brady's 10th birthday today with family.  His birthday is the 15th of May but today we decided to do a brunch.  More on that coming soon.

I can't even tell you how much I have missed this blog.  It has been so frustrating getting back online.  It's very slow moving...they tell me I need a new wireless modem so I'll be getting that soon.  But for now, I've made it back and I have so much to share with you!

Here is home.

We're finally all moved in and settled.  I have unpacked 4,000 boxes, sucked up endless dust bunnies, and painted for several hours already.  I'm adjusting to a new kitchen...we open a few different drawers before we find where the spoons are each morning for breakfast.  It doesn't help that after about a week I decided to change the drawer again.  Brady asked if it was a joke that I did that.

Isn't that yard pretty?  It takes about 45 minutes to mow and with that hill, it's hard work but really good exercise.  I have mowed 3 times already, Dane has done the rest.  I love the trees and can't wait until that one closest to the house gets big enough to help shade the deck in the late afternoon.

We're really going to miss the big fire pit out at Nana's house.  Maybe I can talk Dane into getting one of those portable ones.  That would do the trick when we need a s'more fix right?  When the sun is out, that patio gets really hot.

My little garden to grow my vegetable plants in.  I am going to be working on Dane to extend this for sure.  Not this year though, moving in was stressful enough and this summer we'll just enjoy what we have.  With Brady in baseball two nights a week and spending lots of weekend time at the RAC pool, I don't know how much time we'll have for gardening this year.  So we'll see how it goes.

Our new deck where we'll spend lots of time eating afternoon lunches and enjoying early evening beer sipping.  I love the deck.

I hope I didn't lose too many of you.  I am thankful for everyone that kept checking in on my blog to see if there was a new post.  Keep checking back!  As long as I can get on, I'll be posting.  I have so many things to share with you all!


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