Monday, July 30, 2012

And we celebrate

Cody's birthday party was a success.  His morning started out with his gift from us...something he's wanted for quite some time now.  The boy was happy!

His very own ipod.  We put a few of his favorites songs on it and he was in Heaven.  He sings...loud.  I am glad both of my boys enjoy music.  I have always liked having music on and it's not very often we drive some place where one of them doesn't ask to turn it up.  We all sing in the car...even Dane but that's very hard to listen to.  I vote he's the worst in our family.  Ha!

Cody's friend party was a success.  He invited a few friends to the Athletic Club to play games and have cookie cake.  Every single one of them had sweaty hair when they walked out of there.

I had to laugh after downloading this picture.  Both of my boys look grumpy where the rest of them are giving me a smile.  Can you believe how huge Brady looks next to all of these kids?  He was by far the oldest but would never miss it, that's what I love about him.  He'll play with anybody and never complain.  They all had a great time.

Then there was the family party.

We all know hockey is his favorite sport.  7 years old, I still can't believe it. 

He had a great couple of days celebrating.  Happy Birthday Scooter, now you have to wait a whole year to have another party!


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