Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to school

Do you ever go to bed at night and wonder where in the world did the day go?  I just did that the other night wondering about the entire summer.  Here it is the beginning of September already, the boys have started back to school and our leaves are already starting to change on our backyard trees.  I've got a sad face.  I am however, excited to not fit into little tank tops and those little things in for jeans and sweatshirts.  I haven't done so hot with the whole working out/eating right thing lately.  Actually I have spent the last three and a half weeks on the couch each night after work thinking that I was actually dying of exhaustion.  Turns out I have mono.  I have been fighting it since the beginning of August.  I have had the most horrible headaches and have been so tired I could barely function.  Still I was working extra hours at work, cooking dinner, running to football practice, and trying to keep a clean house.  I just thought it was coming with age...I am 33 now you know. 

It's the "I love my brother, it's our first day of school" picture!  My little golden brown boys with their bleached blonde hair.  Brady started 5th grade this year, Cody 2nd.  This is their last year of school together in the same school until Brady starts 12th grade and Cody 9th.  I can't handle it. 

Please can I take this little boy of mine and make him 6 months old again where he wants to rock with me and drink from his bottle?  My grandma would say NO. 

And please can I take this boy of mine that is only two inches shorter than me and make him my perfect little 3-year old again where he loved to go to the park and read books with his momma?  Again, my grandma would say NO.  She would say, "You have to let those boys grow up and stop babying them!"  I know grandma, I just can't help it.  I want to keep them small and safe and always in my yard where I can see them at all times.  I think that's normal for most isn't it?  Ok, for some?

The first day was a success.  Cody didn't get in trouble and Brady didn't have to comfort him from crying outside of his classroom.  Cody had lots of friends he knew from last year, Brady the same.  I think they'll do great.  They came home with their planners the first day and this is what I found.

I believe Cody had to copy from the white board.  I'm so glad he "had a great day!"

Very informative Brady is.  I would say he did not copy from a white board, instead just wrote something to write something. 

I've got a few things to share with you in the next couple of weeks.  I am hoping now that we're back into a routine and I am slowly starting to feel better that I can share everything with you.  Today is the first day in 3 weeks that I have not had a headache.  I am praying this is coming to an end and I can start to feel normal again.  If not, I am afraid I'll start to lose my mind. 

Have you ever painted mason jars?  My mom would scold me if she saw this and probably will because now that I have painted these jars, I can no longer use them for canning.  I couldn't help it though.  I have seen them posted on pinterest a few times and just loved the look.  Plus I had everything I needed to do it at home and it didn't cost me any extra money.

Aren't they fun?  There are so many paint colors and different flowers to choose from.  You can put them on tables, on top of hutches, in hutches, on top of cupboards, in bathrooms...the ideas are endless and who doesn't love a cute little jar of flowers?  Plus with these, the flowers never die because you never have to water them!  See, I'm you're thinking...  I didn't use any special paint.  I suppose you could spray paint them if you want but since I didn't want to go buy anything, I just got some colors out that I already had. 

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