Sunday, October 23, 2011

A bedtime story

Well here we are.  The night before the start of another 5-day work week.  Those 4 days off went by WAY to fast.  I got so much done though and we did some fun things.  I am thankful to have had nice days to open the windows and be outside to play some.  Homework and showers are done and the boys are in bed.  My body aches from moving furniture all around the house this weekend.  It really looks nice and feels so clean.

Brady wanted to read Cody some of the Diary of a Wimpy kid book last night for a bedtime story.  It started out like this:

And ended like this:

Now who wants to rent out my boy to put your child to sleep?  HA, can you believe that?  Brady kept moving down the couch as Cody was starting to fall asleep so Cody wouldn't lay on him.  I thought it was so cute...

Dane got more outside work done this afternoon to get ready for the winter.  It's still not all done but it's coming along.  The boys helped pick up fallen sticks from these crazy winds we have had lately.  There are still tons to pick up.  Maybe we'll let the snow cover the rest and hope that they'll be gone by spring? 

I made lasagna tonight for dinner.  It was so good and we can always get two meals out of the pan.  No cooking dinner for me tomorrow night.  Now that football and soccer are done my week nights are empty except church on Wednesday nights.  It's going to feel like I have so much extra time which will be nice.  It's hard planning a dinner after 7:30 every night.  I am looking forward to coming home at 5 and being able to stay home for the night.

I made a batch of cookies today for fun.  I picked up a bag of reese's pieces at Target the other day and thought they would be fun for the fall colors.  Let me know if you'd like to stop by and have one...or two...or three..  I made them small enough so if you have a few, you won't feel as gulity! 


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