Monday, October 24, 2011

How about a puppet show's like a big huge wad of chewed up gum that gets stuck to the bottom of your shoe where you pull on it and it just keeps coming and coming and you can never get rid of it all.  I even have those front loader machines where they say you are suppose to fit like 13 bath towels in them...I think not!  If I stuffed 13 towels in my washing machine, it would shake itself around the room and then in the dryer I would probably have a fire. 

Today the boys picked up their goods to deliver from their PTA fundraiser.  Dane took them and they had it all delivered before I got home.  That was nice and a good idea since you have to keep it all frozen and we don't really have the extra freezer space.  For participating in the fundraiser they got hand puppets.  They put on a little show for me...those things have that really annoying squeaker thing in them.  I think Cody wore his out already.

After a little shopping tonight, we stopped to see baby Brynn and the rest of the Shimek's.  Brynn was eating her dinner in her high chair all by herself.  I remember those days of cleaning up a baby after watching them stuff themselves with that gross looking and smelling baby food.  She can really put that food away though and was enjoying every bite.  I can say I never tried baby food before giving it to my boys.  I just couldn't do it.

Even covered in that stuff they call baby food she still is cute as a cupcake!  She smiles all the time and seems like such a happy baby.

Not a whole lot to write about tonight.  With no running to do I actually had some time to myself to make a Halloween card.  I haven't made a card in a long time and thought it would be fun to send one to a friend that always remembers to send one to my boys for fun little holidays.  She'll be getting it tomorrow, hope she likes it.


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