Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Warm bread and the tooth fairy

Happy Friday to me!  I get a 4-day weekend with my boys and I couldn't be more excited.  I dropped Brady off at football tonight for practice and didn't stay.  It was just too cold for me to sit there.  95% of the time I am the only mom that stays but I have Cody with most of the time and he wants to play at the park.  I usually play with him to stay warm.  He tried to give me an under dog the other night, (laugh-laugh)...

Tonight's dinner was spaghetti and warm cheese and butter oven-baked bread....WOW was this amazing!  You know you want some!!

I found the picture on today and as soon as I saw it, I had to have it.  A couple of double clicks later I reached the recipe and off to the store on my lunch hour I went.  That is gorgonzola cheese, butter (just a tad- *wink wink*) fresh parsley, fresh garlic, some salt and pepper, and a bit of parmesan cheese...wrapped in foil and baked for 20 minutes...OH MY YUMMY!

The tooth fairy should be visiting tonight.  Cody lost another tooth at school today.  He said he wiggled and wiggled it in music class today until it came out.  I am sure the music teacher loved that.  Brady is working on a molar right now.  He pulls and pulls and I don't think his are ready to come out but he insists they are.  Grosses me out.  Here is Cody's smile with one less baby tooth in his mouth.  He's so proud.

We are off to play with friends tomorrow for a few hours.  We are always excited to go to Katie's house to play with the girls.  I'm really looking forward to it.  Cody sat at the island tonight while I was making dinner and asked what he could draw for me.  I said I would like a couple of sharks...not bad huh??  That's my boy!

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