Thursday, October 20, 2011

More teeth and a sweet treat

What a great day we had.  We stopped at the orthodonist this morning for a check up.  Brady's teeth are coming along nicely and she said he'll be ready within the year to have braces if we want to get them.  I am not sure if putting braces on a 9-year old is a good thing or not.  Seems so young.  She said kids are getting their permanent teeth earlier and earlier and she's putting them on a lot earlier as well.  We'll have to see how that goes.  I am having 6 braces put on my front teeth next week to fix a gap and a crooked tooth that bothers me.  I am looking forward to having perfect teeth again but NOT having the braces on.  I won't have to have them for too long though.  I'll be sure to show you how pretty I look next week. Speaking of teeth, last night after I posted on here, Brady came out with a molar that he had ripped out of his mouth.  I guess he didn't want the tooth fairy just visiting his brother.

See that little tiny tooth coming in?  That's his new molar on top.  He's got 3 baby teeth to go.  Can't believe it!

We did a little craft at Katie's today.  It turned out so cute and I am so excited to show you.  It was a little time consuming but we worked on it together and we got it done pretty quickly.  See!

We took little strips of fabric and tied them to the string of lights to make a garland.  I took this with the lights off and lowered the flash so you could see them lit up.  Here is a close up of the garland so you can see closer..

Isn't that neat??  Finally to finish up my night I made a little treat.  I made some cinnamon glazed almonds and oh my goodness are they good!  They are crunchy and taste like sweet-sugar-cinnamon-HEAVEN.  Who's going to call me for a bag tomorrow??  They are amazing and everyone loved them.  Here they are layed out to dry on wax paper.

I stopped at Trader Joe's tonight to pick up a couple of big bags of almonds and got busy making this after dinner.  I bet this would be really good with cashews too.


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