Monday, November 28, 2011

Apple cheesecake bars and an ugly turkey

We visited this fella the day before Thanksgiving out at Oxbow Park.  He was really quiet and just kept to himself.  Of course Cody couldn't keep still or quiet and did a little dance and a gobble call at him.  That turkey perked right up and did the loudest gobble back.  Brady about jumped out of his pants!  He screamed a high pitch scream and got away from that fence so fast.  That was my hardest laugh of the day.  So funny!

Did you have a nice Thanksgiving?  We did.  We finished eating Thanksgiving dinners yesterday.  We have 3 dinners we attend every year the weekend of Thanksgiving.  Stuffed I would say!  We tried a new recipe this weekend to take to our first two celebrations.  Apple cheesecake bars.  I found the recipe on food network.  Paula Deen's name was listed on them so I knew they were going to be good...but not good for us. Ha, just a touch of butter...!

Brady got started on the mixer...he wanted to wear my apron.

Cody's favorite job in the kitchen is cracking the eggs.  Thanks to Grandma Vicki, Cody always insists on cracking them..."because Grandma showed me how!"  Surprisingly he does a great job.  For how mangled the egg shells are once the yolks get in the bowl, he hardly ever gets any shells in there.

Finally, our finished product.  Paula Deen's Apple Cheesecake Bars.  YUM!

If you go to the food network website and search Paula Deen Apple Cheesecake Bars, you'll find this recipe...and you won't be disappointed.  Who doesn't love cheesecake, granny smith apples, and warm caramel sauce drizzled on top??  They were a hit at my family events.

I am sorry, but these have to be one of the ugliest birds I have ever seen...


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