Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Semi-homemade doughnuts

Oh the night before we stuff ourselves...tomorrow is Thanksgiving day.  I can't believe how fast the seasons change and how quickly the holidays appear.  I took the day off today to spend with my boys.  We were busy.  I took almost 50 pictures today of the things we did.  I had been trying to decide what to post tonight and thought the first thing we did this morning would be a good choice.

Doughnuts.  I have never attempted making doughnuts and since I am still needing work in the "bread making" department, I thought I'd take an easy way out.  I'll call them my semi-homemade doughnuts.  But before I get started with my pictures, the homemade bread I made the other day and threw out to the yard...remember how I "called the crows" from downtown to come visit?  Well they came!!  It was like a scene from the horror movie "Birds".  They were everywhere.  HA!!  I am just sad I didn't get any pictures to show you the yard and trees peppered in black.

Ok, doughnuts.  Did you know you can actually make a doughnut out of canned buttermilk biscuits?  Yes you can!  You don't want the flaky biscuits so make sure you are paying attention when you throw a can into your cart.

I used a pop bottle top to make my holes.  I could have used an apple corer but this worked great and I could just throw it away after I was done instead of washing another utensil. 
The next step isn't so great for you but really, is any doughnut healthy?  I think not.  Get your vegetable oil out and get about a 1/2 inch in the pan.  I heated mine to 400 degrees.

You just need to wait until they are nice and brown and flip them over.  

See that?  So simple!  Your next step when the other side is golden is to put them onto a plate with a paper towel.  This will help to absorb some of the grease.  Once they have cooled enough to handle, fancy them up how you like them!  We are fans of the cinnamon/sugar mixture around here so that's what we went with.

You can completely cover the doughnut in the cinnamon/sugar mixture if you want but since we all know that Cody is on a "sugar high" 90% of the time, I just dipped them once on top, and once on bottom.  Sweet enough and delicious!

I hope you all have a nice Thanksgiving tomorrow.  My plan is to only fill my plate just once and have a couple of bites of dessert....and not have to unbutton my pants at the end of the day.  Ha! 


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