Sunday, November 20, 2011

Don't forget the salt

It happened!  The snow finally came for a visit.  We didn't get a lot but it was enough to color the greenish brown grass to a light white.  I ran outside with my camera as soon as it started to capture the very first snow fall.

Of course the boys got their stuff on and ran right out.  There was even enough snow to make snow balls and shovel a little bit!

Has anyone besides my grandma Bernice ever attempted homemade bread?  I worked all stinking day on some homemade buns that I have been wanting to try.  I mixed everything the way the recipe said, let it rise, kneaded the dough, let it rise, kneaded it again....I formed it into cute little pillows on a greased jelly roll pan and let them rise again...then I baked them.  Oh I was so excited, they looked amazing to me.  See, don't they look just perfect?

I couldn't wait to try them!  I pulled one out, buttered it just a little bit and slowly took my first bite into this warm fluffy bun....and YUCKO!!!!!  OH MY GOSH I FORGOT THE SALT!!!!!  People, if you ever bake bread, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT forget the salt!!  These perfect little pillow shaped buns are now out by the tree line waiting for all of the black crows that have been pooping all over downtown to come and enjoy tomorrow morning for breakfast.  I was so mad.  Mad at myself for not remembering salt.  Geez....come and get them black crows, leave the cars and sidewalks downtown alone for a day!

I had to redeem myself so I whipped up an apple crisp from some apple pie in a jar my mom made and canned.  All I had to do was make a crumble topping and bake.  Turned out amazing....sorry for the attacked apple crisp photo.  Certain family members couldn't wait for me to get the picture first...

Of course I had a taste!!!


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