Friday, November 18, 2011

Wacky hair day

Happy Friday!  Yippee for the weekend.  That smile comes on my face every Friday at 5:00 when I get into my van to come home.  I can't get here fast enough.  I have some things planned for the weekend.  Bright and early tomorrow morning we have hockey.  I thought 8:15am was bad to be on the ice...after Christmas, it's going to change to 7:45am.  On Saturdays??  That just doesn't seem right.  Maybe they figure the little kids are up that early anyways so why not.  On the plus side of it, I get my shower done right away and am ready for the day.  I have to say, now that hockey has started, it's a lot harder to get up and shower for church on Sunday.  I know it's only one hour of my week to go but sometimes I need sleep and pajamas for a little while longer.  After hockey the boys have an appointment to get the flu mist.  They always prefer that over the shot.  I would too I guess.

It was wacky hair day today at school for Brady.  Because he has longer hair, we can always do something a little more wacky than the rest of the boys in class.  Hopefully this doesn't scare you but here is that wacky haired boy!

He was dared by some of his friends to color it pink.  Of course he's going to take that dare!  We only had green in our cupboard so after dinner last night we headed to the party store to see if we could find some.  I put 12 rubber bands in his hair, lots of hair spray, and lots of pink!!  He was very popular at school today...and very excited.

I don't know why lately Mr. Cody likes to stick his tongue out at me when I get my camera out.  Then right after I take the picture he always wants to see it....then he giggles.  Oh Cody!

He thinks he's growing his hair out now to be like his brother.  It's now over his ears and growing down the back of his neck a little.  I guess I don't care how they want their hair as long as they can wear it in church and as long as they comb it every day.  It's just hair right??

I've got some baking planned for the weekend.  I never attend the holidays without bringing some treats so I'd better get going.  So much do to, not enough days off!

Cheers to the weekend!

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