Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Quickie

We are now half way through the work week.  It doesn't seem to be going as fast as I'd like it to.  I don't have a lot to post tonight.  I am planning on doing some baking this weekend so you'll have to check out pictures of my creations.  The boys will help I am sure.  We always take a nice container full to Thanksgiving at Dane's grandma's house.  I think because I have done it for so many years, they all look for it when I come walking through the door.  It's so much fun to do!
Tonight I grilled some hamburgers.  There really is nothing more simple that that.  The hardest part about it, standing outside in the freezing cold!  I already miss the warm summer nights.

Before bun and plating, here's what I pulled off the grill tonight!


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