Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas!

We made it through 6 Christmas celebrations in 3 days.  Only one more to go next weekend.  Yep, that's right.  We attend 7 Christmas gatherings.  It's a lot of work and a lot of eating.  I enjoy all of the company, but I think the boys, including the husband, gets tired out from all of it.  Now finding a home for all of the new things, that's the tiring part for me.  I can't complain this year though, I've got the whole week to work slowly through it and still have fun playing with some each day.  I've got a recipe to share with you that I made for my mom's Christmas.  I made 40 of these little bites of Heaven and they went like hot cakes in just a very short period of time.  Not a single one was left.

You start out with these.  They are mini fillo shells and you can find them in the frozen section by the pie crusts and breads.  They are already baked and they go in your mini muffin tin.

Holiday Wrappings

1 pkg dried beef chopped small
1/2 cup sour cream
1 garlic clove (minced)
3/4 tsp dill weed
6 oz cream cheese
1/2 cup shredded swiss cheese
2 Tbs shredded parmesan cheese
1/8 tsp pepper

Mix all together with hand held mixer until well combined. 
You'll put about 3/4 Tbs of mixture into each shell. 
Bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes.

Right out of the oven onto a serving plate and move out of the way.  Your guests will be charging for these little bites!  I think they are especially loved by the guys.  What guy doesn't like meat and cheese?  The mini shells are pretty small so you can just pop them into your mouth.  I think this recipe is something similar to an old Pampered Chef recipe.

Christmas goes by so fast.  Seems like we prepare for weeks and weeks and the days come and fly right by.  We are so thankful for the wonderful gifts and awesome food we've had the last 3 days.  Seeing some family we don't see too often is always so nice as well.

Grandpa Damian was sporting these babies the evening of Christmas Eve. 

Grandpa, maybe next year we can get you some of those pretty green tights to go with your sporty elf shoes!

Brady put out egg nog and cookies for Santa while Cody wrote a note. 

Can you tell who is Santa and who is Cody?  At the end where he writes, "I will get with this progress up."  Shelby asked him if he thought he was a good boy this year and he said, "so-so".  So that is why he wrote that at the end...  Ha Ha

Waking up Christmas morning was exciting for the boys!  I woke Dane up at 7:30am to ask if he thought our children were still breathing.  They slept until 8:00am Christmas morning!  I couldn't believe it. 

The boys said they got everything they wanted.  What lucky boys to be able to have such a nice Christmas.  I am so thankful that we can do that for them. 

Nana got a cute gift from her daughter.  Fits perfect with the "Nana" on it.

Merry Christmas everyone!  I hope your weekend was filled with holiday cheer!


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