Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My hockey star

I am half way through my week off and am already getting sad.  Today I sat down a few times just to watch the clock to make it go by slower.  I got the Christmas tree down and all of the other decorations.  Everything got dusted and vacuumed.  What a job!  Now the house looks so big and empty.  Brady has had a friend over since yesterday.  He's still here tonight spending the night again.  It's so good for Brady to spend some time with another boy his own age.  Most of the time, Brady and Cody just have each other since there are no neighbor kids around here.  Cody is always in their space though and I am constantly breaking up fights...mostly from Cody starting.  Poor kid, he's just looking to be included.  Today I needed a few things at Target so I bribed him into coming with me.  He brought home a pack of plastic army guys, a box of brownies, doughnuts for tomorrow morning and a container of cookies.  He seemed to be satisfied.  It always costs me more money when I take Cody to the store. 

We went to the ice skating rink last night so Cody could start breaking in his new hockey skates.  Zach, Brady's friend, actually got him out on the ice!

I don't know what was more funny....the walkers they were pushing or the pajama pants they were both wearing.  Funny boys!  Obviously they weren't there to impress the ladies! 

Tonight Cody had his first "big" hockey game.  His hockey team got to play a 5 minute game in between the first and second period of the high school hockey game.  Cody was so excited all day today that he could hardly stand it.  His coach moved him to the front of the line so he would be first out onto the ice.  I think his heart was racing so fast when he flew out onto that ice that he almost fell.

My little hockey boy scored 2 goals in the short game he played in.  His stick and arms went flying into the air and he was a STAR!  Of course he smiled and looked right at his momma after those goals with that look like, "did you see me mom??"  You bet I did!  I even had actual tears in my eyes.  So proud.

I made bruschetta tonight.  I found this recipe a long time ago online and have made it several times.  I could eat this once a week.  It's best in the summer when you have the fresh roma tomatoes out of the garden.  I had to pick through them at Target today and they weren't the greatest looking.  Still, with the rest of the ingredients, it was really yummy.


6 roma tomatoes, chopped
1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes packed in oil, chopped
3 cloves minced garlic
2 Tbs olive oil
2 Tbs balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup fresh basil, chopped
dash of salt
dash of pepper
1 loaf french bread
shredded mozzarella cheese to sprinkle on top

Combine the first 8 ingredients and set aside. Slice your bread.  I do about a 3/4 inch slice.  That way it's not too thin and it's not too thick.  If you'd prefer it cut a certain way, go ahead and do it.  It won't change the taste of your bruschetta.  Place the slices on a cookie sheet or jelly roll pan.
Scoop as much tomato mixture as you'd like on each slice.  Sprinkle with as much cheese as you'd like as well.  
Place in the oven under the broiler (500 degrees) for about 5 minutes or until cheese is melted.  I think this is best served warm but it's still super yummy after it's cooled.  Try it out, I think you'll love it!  Dane even loves it and he's not a tomato fan at all.

Look at these two.....they're like Ozzy and Harriet....Molly and Tigger.  Nana calls them husband and wife.  Yes, Tigger is really that size.  He's the fattest cat I think I've ever seen.  I always call him Garfield.  He's one big kitty!



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