Sunday, January 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Dad

As much as I'd like to say it was a quiet, uneventful weekend at was not.  Saturday morning on their way to hockey, Dane and Cody were hit by a drunk driver.  It was 7:30 Saturday morning, 15 minutes before Cody was suppose to be on the ice.  Everyone is fine.  Nobody got hurt thank goodness.  Dane's truck had to get towed to the body shop because the bumper got pushed into the wheel well.  Looking at the truck it's not really that bad but we all know how car repairs can add up quick.  Stinks....

Cody will certainly have a lot to talk about at school this week.  Cody said he was scared but didn't cry.  He said he thought he was going to throw up but didn't do that either.  So thankful both of my boys are ok.

The boys got to get out today and actually do some sledding.  It's so good for them to get outside and play until their cheeks are bright red.

Cody was coming down the hill right for me.  I think that's why he was so excited.  They love playing outside in this big backyard.  I like that there is a small hill back there to entertain them.  They go up and down the hill tons of times until either they are exhausted or someone gets hurt.  Most of the time Cody is hurt walking back to the house crying.  They always seem to end up in a snowball fight and 9 times out of 10, he gets one to the face or the side of the head.  And 9 times out of 10, Cody starts the fight...Brady usually ends it.

Looks like Brady might have a little left over chocolate ice cream treat there on his case he gets hungry out there you know.

Tonight I had my family over to celebrate my dad's birthday.  His actual birthday is Tuesday but because of work and school work, the weekend always works out a little better for everyone.  It's nearly impossible to get a nice, normal picture of my dad..ever...  He always has to make some weird looking face when you get the camera out.  Here he is, almost 57 and acting like he's 4.

It's really hard to believe I actually turned out normal living with this guy my whole childhood.  At least he's having fun I guess.  Makes me laugh as I write this how weird he is.

We made him a candy bar card for his birthday this year.  It was something I found on pinterest one day and made a copy.  It was a lot of fun to make!
Grandpa really liked it too.

So tomorrow we'll start our work week with one car.  Hopefully his truck can get fixed and we can get it back quickly.  The weather outside tonight is pretty bad.  I see on tv they have already started to close schools.  I am not sure what we'll do tomorrow if school gets closed.  Dane is really busy at work right now and my boss is already off.  Guess we'll have to see what happens.  Brady is hoping for the day off.  I remember those days.  My dad would usually come into my room to tell me there wasn't school and it was the best.  I would fall back into my deep sleep and be a bum all day.  Oh to have those days back again.

Well I am heading to bed, might have to get up even earlier tomorrow to travel on the roads much slower.  Be safe if you're going out!

1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful! He looks so happy. I really liked the idea where you have used wrappers to complete the statements. It’s something I have never seen before. I must finalize one of the finest home studios NYC for my dad’s birthday and do something good for him.
