Thursday, January 26, 2012

A puff pastry

It's my Friday today.  There is no school tomorrow because it's the end of the quarter.  Can you believe it, half way done with the school year already?  It feels like I just did school supply shopping.  I am not sure what tomorrow will bring.  The weather man says we are suppose to get some more snow.  It was close to 40 degrees today and a lot melted out there.  I bet if we get any, it will be hardly any at all.  We shall see though.  I love being home when it's icky outside.  There is something cozy about it to me.

I made a really simple treat the other night.  Anyone can make these.  There is nothing to them really and they are great for breakfast or even a bedtime snack.  Really you could eat them any time of the day if you wanted...

Start out with a box of these.

They come in the frozen section of your grocery store.  In my grocery store, they are by the other frozen breads.
The box comes with two sheets of puff pastry...I guess you can read that on the box.  Lay one out and cut it with a pizza cutter.

Take any kind of pie filling you want and put a nice dollop in the center of each rectangle.  I get 9 of them out of one sheet.  You can make the other sheet right away or store it in your fridge for up to 24 hours.
Next I took the opposite end corners and pinched them together.  You want to make a pillow shape.  Make sure you really seal those corners together because once the baking starts, they will come apart.  It's not the worst thing that can happen but if you are looking to impress your friends with a "fresh out of the bakery look", you'll want to get this right.
I beat one egg in a little bowl and brushed the egg wash on top.  This will help to brown your pastry puff.  I also took some sugar crystals and sprinkled it over the egg wash.

It's hard to see the sugar in the picture but it's on there...  Bake them at 400 degrees until they are nice and brown, about 20 minutes or so.  When they come out, fight your husband off so you can get the best looking one before he does.

They are so light and flaky.  These little puffs will just melt in your mouth.  Dane picked one where the corner came loose.  Remember what I said about making sure to pinch the corners really good?

He also added some more cherry pie filling to his.  It's like a pretty little envelope.  Maybe you like this look better.  I have some apple pie filling in the pantry that is just screaming..."Eat me!"  Haa...and of course another box of puff pastry in the freezer.  So simple to make, and quick too when you need just a little something sweet before you say good night.

So what to do tomorrow...maybe some spring cleaning?  Cody is already on it!

He cleans windows for really cheap..well if you don't count the half bottle of windex he uses per window!


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