Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hello Winter

It's here, it's here!  Minnesota winter weather is here!  Don't believe me?  With my car temp reading 57 degrees yesterday I would have a hard time too.  But it's here.  It's cold, windy, slippery, and sad....well sad for me.  I am so ready for spring.  For proof though, here's a shot out my back door.

It's not a lot of snow, maybe an inch or so but it's suppose to stay for a while.  According to the weather man, the cold is suppose to stay for now.  Darn.  Oh well, Brady and Cody were cheering over the snow coming down.  They love to play outside and have yet to use their snowball makers they got for Christmas this year.
With the snow coming down tonight, I decided it was time to hang up some snow flakes.  All of the other Christmas decorations are put away except these.  I won these off of a blog I look at from time to time.  She lives in Poland.  No I don't speak Polish nor can I read a single word on her blog but her pictures she posts are amazing.  I love looking at them.  Where I work, my co-worker is from Poland so she translates for me sometimes and sees familiar pictures on there as well.  Here it is if you'd like to read her blog or just look at her pictures like I do!

Aren't they pretty?  They are all different snowflakes and I love them!  The best part about them, they come all the way from Poland.  Thank you so much for sending them to me!  I wonder if my co-worker would take me with her when she goes every year for a month.  How fun would that be??

In celebration of the snow coming down tonight, Brady got out his fireworks maker.  We shut all of the lights off, laid on the floor, and watched the pretty display.  They celebrated, I secretly cried inside.  Go away snow, I am ready for my garden!


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