Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My sick boy

We had another great weekend around here.  Very productive indeed.  Brady came home from school Friday not feeling so hot.  By Friday night he had a nice fever and sore throat visiting.  Saturday morning I called into the doctor.  With Brady having strep throat before and the stinky breath he was sporting, we both knew something might be up.  Our doctor didn't think he had strep but cultured him just in case.  Sure enough, the test came back positive and he's now on ten full days of gross, pink looking milk.  I remember that stuff as a kid.  I lived on that because I was sick with strep throat all the time.  It's a smell and taste I'll never forget.  Just thinking about it send shivers up my spine.  Ick!

Because he was feeling icky and all of our throw blankets are now too short for his almost 5 foot tall body, I thought it was time to make him a new fleece tie blanket big enough for him and maybe his mom to share when we watch a movie.  Katie was wanting to make one as well so she met me at the fabric store.  I picked out blue and green skulls, she picked out pink and green polka dots.  For directions on how to make this kind of blanket, just google fleece tie blanket.  It's super easy and there are many different online directions and tons of youtube videos.  I made mine with 2 1/2 yards.  Skulls on the top, green on the bottom.
Molly tried it out first.

Then Brady got into the picture.  Even with a horrible sore throat and fever, he'll still give me a smile.

I stopped into Mr. Pizza to pick up some slices for the boys on Saturday because that's what they wanted.  Well that's what Cody wanted.  Brady didn't really eat...he had some toast and gatorade.  Sometimes I just can't resist that dessert case up at the pizza place.  Heather makes the best cheesecake.  The serving slice they come in is way more than you need for one person...still, I don't share.  I save my left overs for later in the day.  This time I tried the strawberries and creme.  I managed to even get a picture of it too for you before it was half gone..you're welcome!

Thanking pinterest again, I found a picture of an easy little treat I wanted to try.  I had a tube of crescent rolls in my fridge.  I always have peanut butter and chocolate chips because really, those are staple items that should always be in your house.  Peanut butter and chocolate are good for you!

Here's what I did.

Spread some peanut butter on the crescent roll and sprinkle with chocolate chips.  I used the mini chocolate chips but you can use the regular size if that's all you have.
Roll them up!

Bake them according to the directions on the package until golden brown.  Some of the peanut butter might show through the roll...that's ok, quick take your finger and swipe it into your mouth!  YUM

So sorry I don't have a picture of the finished product, they were gone too fast from the pan....I know you're thinking in your mind though how this light, flaky crescent roll with warm peanut butter and melted chocolate tasted....amazing.


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