Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy birthday sweetie pie!

Happy Birthday Dane!  My sweetie pie is now 33 years old.  I was telling him the morning of his birthday that we've celebrated 15 of his birthdays together.  Wow, that's a lot!  We went to Jenpachi's Japanese Steakhouse to celebrate.  The boys hadn't ever been there and we thought it would be a fun experience for them.  We invited my parents, Dane's parents and sisters, and of course his friend Mickey along with his wife.  Dane and Mickey are almost inseparable.  They hang out a lot together.  Our cook put on a nice show for us.  He started with the big fire.

Then cooked us amazing food right on the table.  Brady said his food was SO good.

After dinner we all gathered for a group picture.  What a great looking group!

We tried out a new craft project this week.  I found it on pinterest of course.  It's now hanging on the wall in the boys' room.  Here's what we did.

We took lots of color crayons and hot glued them to a blank canvas we got at the craft store.  Brady chose blue, orange, yellow, green, and black.  After we had them all glued to the canvas, we got out the hair dryer.  Melt away crayons!!

If you're going to do this, make sure you put down an old towel or sheet below it.  It does spray a little wax.  It was a lot of fun to make and we're all happy with the results.  Wanna see?

It adds some really fun color to their bedroom wall.  Cody said when he picks his colors, he just wants blue and black.  We'll see how that turns out at a later date.

Do you have big weekend plans?  Cody has a big outdoor hockey game tomorrow that he's super excited about.  Hopefully the rink isn't a swimming pool when we get there.  The temperatures have been in the 40's most of this week.  I love it, the ice does not.  Brady also has archery.

My brother turned another year older this week as well, 29...he's getting closer!!  We're going to his new house tomorrow to celebrate.  He and his girlfriend Shelby just built their first house together.  It's such a cute house.  I love everything about it.  It's got amazing colors and decor.  I'll get some pictures hopefully tomorrow and show you.

One more picture and I am signing off....I just can't get enough of this little girl.  Isn't she the cutest?  Her chubby little legs and her m&m stained mouth.  Hi baby Brynn!


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