Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl Weekend

How was your weekend?  Did you watch the super bowl?  Did you get outside for some fresh air?  Wow, we really can't complain about the weather in Minnesota can we?  Because of this extra warm weather, Cody's outdoor hockey game was cancelled.  He was so mad...we were pretty disappointed as well.  We were all looking forward to a fun outdoor game.  Maybe next year!
Brady had his archery league.  He's a really good shot.  Holds that bow like it's nobodies business.  He's about 3 pounds away from being able to deer hunt.  He can hardly wait.  He'll start out in the turkey blind this Spring with his Grandpa.  I know he's going to enjoy that.  Even if he doesn't see a darn thing, getting that alone time with his Grandpa will make his day complete.

We went to visit friends Saturday afternoon.  Katie, she's my best buddy.  We've been close friends since Elementary school.  Isn't she purty?!

She'll be mad that I posted a picture of her on my blog but that's alright.  My blog is full of fun pictures and Katie is fun!  She's got 3 girls, all three are my Godchildren.  I love them like my own.  Karly braids Aubry's hair...

Kaelyn giggles with Cody.  Cody's mouth is half full of brownies, by the way.

We can go months without getting together and when we all end up in the same house, we always have a great time.  The kids get along like they are brothers and sisters.

The big project of making Valentine's.  They lost interest pretty quick so Katie and I finished.  It was fun to sit at the table and work on them together...we packaged over 100 of them for the 4 older kids.  Aubry colored and glued paper together to help with her share.

Did you make any fun food for the super bowl?  After church on Sunday, we came home and grilled some brats.  I also made a velveeta cheese dip and a big pot of chili.

Really, there is a brat under there.  I can't help it, I love pickle relish!

This dip has been around for a really long time.  It's really yummy and everyone loves it!

Velveeta Dip

Regular size blog of velveeta cheese
Rotel tomatoes, mild or medium, or both if you want lots!
1 lb of hamburger, browned
1 can cream of mushroom soup

That's it!  Throw it all in your crockpot and serve with chips when it's melted and hot.  

Now, I told you I made a big pot of chili as well.  I didn't get a picture but a spoon full of this cheese dip on top of the chili served with chips is really good too!  So if you're planning it like I did, make them at the same time.  You can have just the chili...or just the dip...or the chili and dip together!  Look at that, 3 different meals.  Does that count to spread out over the week?  Ha, just kidding!  I won't do that.  I froze most of the left over chili for a later date.  The dip we'll graze on over the week.  

Hope you all had a great Monday!  Happy Birthday Jim, my little baby brother is 29 now.  So close to those lovely 30's I am in.  


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