Friday, February 10, 2012


What in the world is up with this weather?  It's not even 10 degrees outside tonight!  Go away cold and come back 30's and 40's.  It's suppose to warm up again after the weekend thank goodness.  I haven't been updating too much during the week.  I think it's because I don't really have a lot going on besides homework and dinner.  This week I didn't make anything too exciting to blog about.  We had lots of school work every night and are so ready for the weekend.  Even if it is freezing cold outside.

Cody wrote his dad a little note.  He was so excited to show him.  Can you tell who is Cody and who is Dad?

Cody's people are my absolute favorite.  Every time he makes them it melts my heart.  And speaking of hearts, didn't he do a great job drawing one?  It's these little things that I just can't ever throw away.  This little note is on our fridge right now and makes me smile every time I see it.  You can't tell in this picture but the piece of paper is the size of a post it note.  Love it!

Cody has 4 buckets full of cars, trucks, army guys, hero guys, and animals.  As much as I'd like to convince him we need to eliminate 2 of the buckets, I just don't have the heart to make him.  That boy plays with these 4 buckets just about every night...even if it's just for 15 minutes, he loves them.  He makes the sounds that the cars would make, he talks the talk to the army guys in battle, and he sets up the big barn and lines up all the animals.  He's in his own world with these toys and spends many hours creating the perfect scene he's looking for.  He begs to take baths instead of showers just so he can line up the guys on the side of the bathtub.

This is a huge pile of cars...from just ONE bucket he has filled.  Hours of fun for that boy.  He's my favorite 6-year old!

I am going to try hard to get some Valentine's treats made with my boys this weekend.  It's perfect with the weather.  Can't wait to share...


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