Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentine's treats

What a nice weekend.  Saturday was cold but today was really nice out.  The line at the car wash was really long.  Cody, Molly and I sat and waited almost 15 minutes for ours but the minivan needed a wash.  This weekend we got some Valentine's baking done.  The boys and I were in the kitchen keeping warm by the oven baking and decorating.  It was a lot of work but so much fun.

We got started on cut out sugar cookies.  I try really really hard to keep the patience when the boys are wanting to help.  See, I am kind of a kitchen freak where I like to be in control and I want everything to turn out just perfect when it comes to baking and cooking.  So when it was time to roll out the cookies today and use the cookie cutters, I let it be.  I gave them the roller and the cutters and let them go to town.  To my surprise we had hardly flour on the floor.  They really did a great job.

With the cold weather outside, what a perfect way to spend the day!

Do your kids beg to eat the batter off of the beaters?  When I use my kitchen aid mixer, there is only one beater and when you've got two boys waiting there with big'd better get out a spoon and make it even.  And if you are feeling left out, get yourself a spoon too.

Since we had the kitchen in a baking fest, we decided to make some Valentine's bars as well.  I just took my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe and added some pretty m&m's to the batter.  I poured the whole batter onto a greased jelly roll pan.  I baked the pan for about 25 minutes.

Look at those!  Isn't that pretty?  Now what in the world am I going to do with a whole pan of bars?  I don't have neighbors to pass them off to.  I suppose my co-workers would take them.  It's always fun to take treats to work.

I hope you all have a nice Valentine's day this week.  Maybe you'll make a fancy dinner and use your pretty dishes for your sweetie pie or your family.  Maybe you'll go out to eat and wait hours to get a table.  Or maybe you'll just grab a beer out of your fridge and watch tv by yourself...order take out.  I am not sure what I'll make for dinner but I'd better get thinking.  Making a "holiday" meal special is always fun.  My boys are still young to enjoy it.  I am sure some day they will think my "holiday" parties are dumb and for babies...I hope not because I want to have them forever.


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