Sunday, February 19, 2012

A fun weekend

Oh my goodness it's been a while since I posted.  Sorry!  I hope nobody gave up on my blog.  Time has gotten away from me this week with dinners, homework, and laundry...again.  What a great day we had today.  This morning we picked Shelby up, my brother's girlfriend, and headed to Oxbow Park for a hike.  We ended up walking 3 miles on the trails.  The temperature was perfect outside for a walk.  Even Cody was able to keep up the entire time.

We spooked some deer that were laying up in the woods.  Can you find them in the picture?  They blend in with the trees so it's hard to find them.

I have never seen a hole this big in a tree from a wood pecker.  Have you?  I had to take a picture of it because I just couldn't believe it.

Cody got to skate with one of our local hockey teams this weekend for practice.  He thought it was the neatest thing.  Cody wants a "C" on his jersey pretty badly so he can be the captain.  He thinks the captain of the hockey team is the best player.  Of course he found that player and skated along with him.  I wish I could have been closer to hear their conversation.

My dad dug out one of Jim's old hockey trophy's from 1998.  It was a 3rd place trophy from some tournament.  You should have seen Cody's eyes light up.  He got out a wash cloth and cleaned the dust off.  He got to bring it home.  Cody told me he "loved it sooo much"!  Last night when I went in my room to let Dane know I was leaving, this is what I found.

Funny boy!  Brady had a birthday party this weekend along with archery and baseball practice.  He had such a good weekend.  It's always fun for him to get out of the house and do some fun things.  He had a blast at the party with his friends.

I put some blonde back into my hair.  I took a picture of myself so it's kind of close up.  I really like it though.  It's nice to get some "life" back into my hair.

Hope you all had a great weekend!


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