Thursday, February 23, 2012

Lent and a package

It's Lent.  We went to church last night.  There were several masses yesterday at our church, our service was packed.  The boys sat with their religion classes.  Dane and I sat by ourselves.  It was kind of funny to watch Cody open his book and act like he was reading along singing the songs.  He was super cute to look at and smile at though.  Funny how well behaved he is with his religion teacher compared to some Sundays sitting with us.  He's getting better.  That one hour isn't seeming as long for him I don't think.  We were blessed with the ashes.  Father Mahon got Dane pretty good.  It was really hard not to start giggling.  With Dane's bald head, the black ashes on his forehead were really something.  I wish now that I would have gotten a picture.  I did get a couple with my boys though.

I think they got more in Brady's mop of hair then on his forehead.  I know, I know...he's only 9 and he's almost as tall as me.  It's crazy how big he's getting.  His shoes are too big for me now as well.

Cody did start to giggle once the ashes started.  He was sitting right up front in church so he could see everyone come up in line.  He sat with the biggest smile on his face.  Maybe he'd enjoy church more if we could do that ever week??

My package came today.  I was very excited to see it sitting on the counter when I got home.

Sprinkles!  The colors of the rainbow.  I've got some baking to do this weekend.  You'll have to check back and see what I've made.  I have a craft or two is in the works as well. 

Aren't they pretty?  Maybe they would look nice in my hutch with my fiesta ware.

Cody got in trouble at school today.  They have started a new thing with the beginning of the 3rd quarter.  They pretty much get 3-4 strikes now before getting a conduct report.  The first two quarters they got 7 or so strikes I believe.  It's good for him.  This is what he wrote in his planner.  Can you read it?

It says, "I got a green and because I had to flip my card for not listening".  He tells me that it goes from white to yellow to green and then to red.  Red is bad.  A conduct report is sent home and put in your file.  He said that is "NOT good".  Cross your fingers Cody can sit still and listen from now on.  I think it scared him to get this close to red.  


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