Monday, March 5, 2012

Beer can chicken and a BIG haircut

Do you ever run out of dinner ideas for your family?  I sit at work almost every day and think about what I am going to take out of my freezer when I run home at lunch time.  I try to meal plan and get sick of the same things so quickly or I end up not feeling like what I have on the menu.  What do you do?  How do you make it easier on yourself when you work until 5 every night and come home to 3 starving boys waiting for food?  The other night I pulled a small chicken out of my freezer.  My chicken was about 4.5 pounds.  I got it on sale at the grocery store one day and sort of forgot about it in the bottom of my freezer.  I thawed it out for a couple of days in my fridge wondering how I was going to cook this chicken and would I have time on a week night to make it?

The morning of the day I was going to cook my chicken I put it in a big pot of brine.  For my brine, I took 1 gallon of water, 1 cup of kosher salt, 1/2 cup of brown sugar and spices of my choice.  I used Greek seasoning, garlic powder, salt and pepper.  I put it back into the fridge so it could sit all day while I was at work and absorb those juices and flavoring.

This last summer I was watching the food network.  It is the only thing I really watch on tv when I am home.  It's on right now actually.  Diners, Drive Ins and Dives.  Anyways, this last summer Bobby Flay was on.  The way he grills is unbelievable and I would give just about anything to have a little outdoor grill set up like he has.  He was making beer can chicken.  I went out on a hunt for a beer can chicken stand to use on my grill.  Now he just put his whole chicken on a beer can, I am not that talented.  I know that if I were to do that, mine would probably tip and be ruined.  So I found this stand for about $2 I think.  If you google beer can chicken wire or stand, I know you'll find one.    Perfect!
I put the chicken on the stand inside a throw away roaster pan.

Hi little birdie!  Get ready to roast your little body until it's toasty and browned!  Now I didn't put any more seasoning on my bird before I put it on the grill.  The brine and seasonings got inside the bird and deep into the meat while it was swimming all day in my fridge.

Want to see it complete and ready to eat?

All I could think about was, I wonder what Bobby would think of my masterpiece..
Ha, I know I am weird...but this chicken was amazing!  The juices just rolled out of the meat.  The flavoring was perfect.  I am a person that sometimes thinks chicken or turkey tastes kind of blah, not a lot of flavoring and kind of dry.  Not this baby.  Brining is the key I think and I probably will never do another bird without letting it swim the day away again.
My chicken took almost 2 hours to cook.  It was 4.5 pounds like I said and I wanted to make sure the breast temperature was around 165 degrees.  The nice thing about waiting these 2 hours, I didn't have to do a thing.  It was like putting your food in a crockpot and walking away.
One more perk, this whole chicken was $3.57....yep, the WHOLE chicken was that much money.  I added some grilled veggies to the meal and I fed my family of 4 for under $5 that night.  5 bucks!!  Who has to eat ramen noodles?!?  So simple and so cheap!

Guess who got a hair cut?  Who in our family really needed a hair cut?  How many said Dane?  My boy did it.  Brady took the leap, trusted his mom and his hair stylist and just went with it.  I can't even tell you how great he looks.  He looks like he aged about 2-3 years.  The boy loves his new hair!  He's been looking in the mirror since he got home.  It turned out perfect and I'm so glad he loves it.  Brady has had long hair since the end of 1st grade.  We haven't seen his ears or his neck in years.

So here he is before in case you need a refresher...

Are you ready?  Are you on the edge of your seat?  Ok, here you go!!  My new boy!

Dear Hairy,
We had fun with you while you were here but a new look is in town!  Doesn't he look awesome?  I love it and so does he.  Before bed tonight his last thing he said to me, "Mom, I can't wait to go to school tomorrow!"

Before I forget, Dane's good friend Mickey and his wife Sam had their baby girl this weekend.  Chloe is her name and I want to steal her and bring her home.  She is absolutely perfect and they are over the moon excited.


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