Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Unbelievable mini doughnuts

The new haircut was a success!  Brady thought he was probably the most popular kid in school today.  He said so many people came up to him about his hair that he lost count.  He could hardly remember what people said.  He did tell me that one girl in his class came up and asked him who he was.  Brady said she looked at him like he was a new student.  I'm so glad this turned out to be a good thing.  Brady is very protective over his hair and cutting it was a really big decision for him.  I am glad that in the end I left this decision up to him about cutting it so he didn't feel pressured and that he felt confident about getting it done.

Today I came home for lunch and put together some bbq's for tonight's dinner.  It was so nice to come home tonight and just open up some buns and chips and serve dinner.  I got this recipe from my friend Katie.  It's a little different from what I usually make but my boys have had them at her house a couple of times and really like them.  I didn't get a picture of them, why, I am not sure...They just look like normal bbq's I guess.  The important thing is the recipe right?  Katie calls them Sloppy Jo's.

Sloppy Jo's

2 lbs ground beef, browned
1 small onion
1 can tomato soup
1 8oz can tomato sauce
1 cup ketchup
2 Tbs brown sugar
1 tsp worcestershire sauce
1/8 tsp mustard
1 Tbs cider vinegar

The nice thing about this recipe is the fact that I had all the ingredients in my pantry and didn't have to make a trip to the store for any of it.  It's very kid friendly and this can go right in the crockpot to simmer until you're ready to eat it.  It's really good.  Katie's family likes to eat it over potato chips.  I saw Dane dipping some bbq chips into the crockpot so he must like that as well.

Now onto dessert!  I found this clever idea on pinterest, surprise.  It is called Cinnamon Sugar Churros.  Who doesn't love the Tom Thumb mini doughnuts from your state/local county fair?  Oh my gosh you guys, you have to try these!  They melt in your mouth.  The best part, there is no oil involved and no frying!  I already had everything at home as well so it was a no brainer for this dessert treat.  Remember these?

From now on these will be a staple item in my freezer.  They thaw out so fast and are perfect for making a quick and tasty dessert.  Ok, you're going to take a sheet out of the box and lay it on your cutting board.  Cut into 1 inch strips to make 18 churros.  Place them on a greased baking sheet.

Next bake them at 450 degrees for about 10 minutes or until golden brown.  

They fluff up so nicely.  Looks like I have been slaving for hours making the perfect dough doesn't it?  You're going to need to melt some butter into a bowl, about a 1/4 of a cup.  I didn't even use half of this so if you wanted to start out with 1/8 of a cup, you can.  In another bowl mix 1/2 cup of sugar with about 2 tsp of cinnamon.  I was a little short on the cinnamon so I apologize if you can hardly see it in the white bowl.  I should have maybe used a colored bowl instead.  Set up your "drying" rack.

Ok, ready to dip?  I very lightly coated the top and bottom of these churros with butter.  The recipe said to coat in butter but we're acting like we're eating healthy around here today ok?  Plus, I think if you put too much butter on them, they would have been soggy and I loved the bite of fluffiness in the pastry.  After you dip them in the butter, give them a quick roll in the cinnamon/sugar mixture.  Place them on the drying rack to set up a bit.  Like I said, if you like mini doughnuts, you're going to love these babies!  You can make them for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or for an after dinner treat!  The best part of this, there's one more pastry sheet still in the fridge from the box.  The fellas at Pepperidge Farms were really thinking when they decided to include two pastry sheets in each box.  Now I can make them again another night or see if I can find another fun idea to try.

Whoever discovered this clever idea called them Baked Cinnamon Sugar Churros.  I will just call them Unbelievable Mini Doughnuts.  Try them and let me know what you think!  Grandma, I know you'll love these.

Stay tuned, I've got some homemade granola bars to share with you that are chewy, full of mini chocolate chips, and a huge hit with the boys!


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