Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Granola bars

I can't believe I forgot to post the finished product of the Unbelievable Mini Doughnuts!  So sorry everyone, here they are...

I also added them to my post from last night, where they should be.

Have you ever made your own granola bars?  My kids love granola bars and I can't keep them in the pantry for snacks.  I am all out once again and decided to try some of my own.  Online there are lots and lots of different granola bar recipes.  I found one where I again had all of the ingredients right at home.  Good girl right?  Yep, proud too.

Granola Bars

4 1/2 cups quick oats
1 cup flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
2/3 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup honey
1/3 packed brown sugar
1 1/2 cups mini chocolate chips

You'll combine everything in a large bowl.  I ended up using my hands because the stirring wasn't going as quickly as I wanted it to and ingredients always mix better together when you use your hands.  Grease a 9x13 pan.  Lightly press mixture into the pan and bake at 325 degrees for about 10 minutes.  Wait about 10 minutes and cut into the size bars you want.  Leave in the pan to cool completely.  I then moved them to the drying rack and let them sit for a bit before putting them into ziplock bags for school snacks.  

These are really good.  If you like chewy granola bars that won't break your teeth, these are it!  Cody took two to school today and told me he had one after school as well.  Do you think he likes them?  I took one to work today and enjoyed every bite of it.  I will definitely make these again.  They were so simple to make, and again, I had everything I needed to make them.  I always have these ingredients at home.  Try them out!  Your kids will love them.  You probably could get away with even using a little less butter if you wanted to.  I might try that next time.

Do any of you cut coupons?  Oh dear, I am becoming an addict.  I saved almost $40 the last time I went grocery shopping!  High five for me!  Look at these babies...I told Dane if I were to lose my purse, I would be more mad about losing my coupons than my wallet.  HA, he looked at me like I was nuts.  Here's my far...


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