Sunday, March 25, 2012

Somebody got a new kitchen

I made it!  I ran my first 5k and I finished it.  I got my trophy t-shirt and my number that was pinned to the front of my shirt.  What an accomplishment for myself.  Almost made me cry I was so proud.  My mom held onto my camera for me and got some pictures of the race.  It was the perfect day to run.  A little chill in the air, hardly any wind, and cloudy.

I could have never done it without these girls.  Shelby to the left, Paula to the right.  Paula has run with me since the beginning.  She's a runner....for fun...  She stayed right by my side and encouraged me the whole way.  Paula, I will always remember this day, my very first race...and always remember that you helped me through it.  You helped me become a "runner".  Thank you Paula!  Shelby ran ahead of us.  She finished 7 minutes before me.  Way to go Shelby, I am so proud of you too!  Yes, I am wearing public.  Thank you mom for cutting off the full view.  My legs will get better, and so will my rear!

My mom and dad got a new kitchen!  I am so excited for them...mostly for my mom as my dad would say their old kitchen was just fine.  It was time for a new one.  The original cabinets were still in the house from when it was built.  The drawers didn't open and close nice, there was hardly any storage, and my mom's oven was the size of a microwave basically.  It was time.

Here's the before picture.  The cupboards you see behind my mom are pretty much all she had for kitchen storage.  There was a couple of cupboards on the bottom but they were small.  Those drawers were hard to open and hard to close.  She's so excited to be packing up her kitchen.

The very next day a team of guys came in and took everything out of her kitchen, fixed the floor and started to replace some dry wall.  She also got her ceiling sprayed and a new kitchen light.  You can see Wilson laying on the rug.  He's probably sad that there will be no cooking for a while for him to receive treats from.

Next she had her walls repainted a neutral tan color, a new updated floor put in and the start of her new cabinets.  I don't have a close up of mom because I wanted to get as much of the kitchen in as possible.  I am thinking she'd rather have me get the kitchen pictures too.  She's getting two new windows to replace the ones in the picture.  Those should come in a couple of weeks.

Isn't it pretty?  It doesn't even feel like you are in the same house when you come over.  She got custom made maple cabinets stained a really pretty coffee stain color.  All new appliances and a darker counter top.  The island is now big enough for some stools.  I am sure when mom is cooking in the kitchen, whomever is there ready to eat will be sitting at those stools waiting for their plate.  My boys will enjoy eating their pancakes there when they spend the night too.

She's so excited!  I am so excited for her!  I am hoping to get a dinner invite really soon mom!

What a fabulous weekend.  It was nice enough to be outside again all weekend.  Yesterday the boys were running through the sprinkler.  I thought it was too cold but I told them if they could handle the ice cold hose, go for it.  They were out there soaking wet for a really long time.  I suppose from the running and playing they stayed warm.


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