Thursday, March 22, 2012

Warm weather and an announcement

Well we are on our 4th day of rain.  It's amazing how green the grass has already turned and being able to see all of new little leaves on the trees and bushes already.  I love every bit of it.  Bring on the rain and bring on the heat.

Cody had his spring hockey league tonight.  Sitting in the hockey rink was like being out in the winter cold again.  I haven't worn a jacket in 2 weeks.  It took me a minute to find where I had hung it.  I forgot my camera so no new hockey pictures tonight.  He's doing so well.  He's moved up a level and is playing fun games the whole hour on the ice.  I see them all getting a little "rough" with each other.  I think that's from watching hockey on tv and playing hockey on the xbox.  They all will get told though, there's no checking in supermite hockey.  What a work out he gets.  He's starving when he's done and is soaking wet from sweat.  The funny part, he's not even close to being worn out afterwards.  He'd come home and play hard until bed if you let him...oh to have that energy.

I got the family mini van cleaned out this week.  Took me almost 2 hours.  She is all shined up and smelling fresh now!

Take that $15 car wash store...I always do a better job!  Dane was laughing saying it hasn't been thisi clean since we bought it.  It's hard keeping a car clean when you live in Minnesota, eat on the go and run in and out of the house without all of your trash and bags all the time.

We got in a family bbq this weekend.  I invited my parents, grandmas, brother and his girlfriend over.  I grilled burgers and brats.  It was so nice being outside.  We only came in to dish up our food.  The boys had a water bottle fight this weekend too.  We don't have the hoses hooked up so refilling water bottles was as good as we could get it.  Cody couldn't take shirt, socks and shoes off fast enough.

Can you see the airplane?  He wanted me to make sure I got that in his picture.  Gosh he looks big in this picture!

All of this Spring weather is making me so happy.  I got out a fun color for my nails...are you wearing any bold, bright colors?

Pretty huh?  My toes have a really dark red on them, they look black.  I like that color on my toes for some reason and wear it almost all summer.  Maybe I'll do something different in a couple of weeks.  We shall see!

I have been working really hard on keeping up with my exercise this week.  I have gone running only once due to the rain and to zumba twice this week.  It's kind of crazy but I can already feel a difference in my clothes.  I am on my 3rd week and can already feel them getting more comfortable to wear.  I have had one diet coke in 2 weeks..I know, NOT normal for me.  I have switched to my coffee in the morning and then to water.  I am drinking 4-6 bottles of water a day.  It feels great, and cheaper with how expensive pop is.
Are you ready for my announcement? it is.  Saturday morning at 9am I am running my very first 5k.  Yep, that is 3.2 miles.  I am scared to death but super excited.  I am going to get my trophy t-shirt.  I am going to get a number pinned to my running shirt.  I am on the list to be a runner.  For me this feels like a kid waiting for his Christmas presents.  This means so much to me and I am so proud of myself.  Now because I am a beginner and because I just started really running a few weeks ago, I am positive I will have to walk some.  And you know what, I am ok with that.  Saturday my goal is to finish that 3.2 miles.  I am not going for time, I am going for the finish.  I'm going to do this.  Want to know a nice perk?  There's a free bloody mary bar at the end!  Yippee!

Also this weekend I'll be posting a big event that has been taking place at my mom and dad's house.  Stay tuned for the photos on that!

Grandpa and his yard work....poor guy, he was working so hard he pooped right out...


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