Thursday, May 31, 2012

Preparing to Party

It's finally going to happen.  My 10-year old is going to get his sleep over birthday party.  We have boys coming at 6pm tomorrow night to spend the night.  Brady can't wait.  We went to the store tonight and got the snacks he wanted, picked out a couple of kinds of pop and decided on what we'd have for breakfast the next morning.  Pancakes and bacon.  I can handle that.  I don't know how many pictures I'll get of this party as I don't want to embarrass Brady.  He doesn't like it when I follow him around with my camera.  He doesn't want me to organize any craft projects or games.  He's growing up too fast and I am getting left in the dust.  I've decided while they are downstairs filling up on sugar playing video games, I'll sit upstairs at the table and have my own little craft party.  I'll skip the wine as I'm responsible for other people's children so I'll stick to diet coke or ice water.  HA!

I invited my family to my mom's on memorial day for a backyard bbq.  It was fun!  I love anything to do with family.  My boys can't get in the car fast enough.  Dane isn't a big "I wanna hang out with family" kind of guy, he skipped it.  I got a few pictures of her roses.  They are amazing this year.  They are almost as tall as Cody and have tons of buds waiting to open into beautiful flowers.

Aren't they pretty?  It's sad that we only have a few months out of the year to enjoy flowers in Minnesota.  Last year was a terrible year for flowers.  The weather didn't cooperate at all.  I have my vegetable plants in my garden with a fence around it this year.  I opened my bedroom window tonight after work and saw two little bunnies right next to the fence.  I wonder if they were talking to each other to figure out a way in.  They better not!  I'd hate to have to take out a couple of bunnies with Dane's little weapon.  Hopefully they are smart and go looking for their food in the woods.

Brady had his end of the year presentation yesterday at school.  He had to do a write up about Connecticut.  He did a fabulous job and was excited to show it off.

He drew pictures, typed up some and wrote some out.  His artifacts were a helicopter, a loli pop, and a nutmeg spice.

I took these pictures on my phone as I forgot my camera.  I was so mad and almost asked to take a little extra time off of work so I could run home to get it.  I took my chance with my phone.  I think it worked alright.  I prefer my camera though.

We're back to baseball too.  He doesn't have 100% of his speed back yet but at least he's making the effort to go out there and participate.  His teammates were sure excited to see him.

Wish Dane and I luck tomorrow night.  Hopefully we can keep these 10-year old boys in line.  Cody will be going to Grandma and Grandpa's to give Brady the space he's asking for.  Cody is much more out-spoken than Brady and he finds most of the time when his brother is around, he steals the show.  He asked if Cody could go to Grandma's for his birthday so he could just hang out with his friends.  I thought that was fair and agreed.  Brady needs his alone time with his friends sometimes without his brother.  Cody won't be able to get out of the door fast enough when his Grandpa gets here to pick him up.  Getting his Grandpa all to himself is like getting to go into a huge candy store with an empty pillow case. 


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