Thursday, June 7, 2012

School is out for the summer!

School is out for the summer.  I now have a 5th grader and a 2nd grader.  I can't believe it.  It was just yesterday that I had a newborn on my hip and a toddler just out of diapers.  Those boys have grown so fast.  Cody wants to go back to 1st grade next year he said.  I think he's scared of school getting even harder.  He has a hard time keeping up but we're getting him some extra help.  The poor boy doesn't know it yet but summer school is in his future.  We need all the extra help we can get.  I think he might actually like it once he gets there.  I think I'll wait a couple of weeks to let him know.  I don't want to rain on his summer vacation parade. 

I know, it's so hard to believe isn't it?  Brady looks like he just completed middle school and is on his way to high school.  I can't handle it.  I want him back to when he wanted me to push him on the swing and wanting me to rock him in the big chair with his blanket.  On the other side though, I am so proud of who he is becoming.  He's such a good boy, and a very smart one too.

Brady was excited, Cody just didn't want to leave 1st grade.  I think once we get closer to the fall, he'll be excited. 
We're heading to the MN Zoo tomorrow for a day of fun.  I am sure it will be insanely busy and hot.  I think it's suppose to be close to 90 tomorrow.  We'll see if the rain comes.  If it does, we'll probably stay home and try for another day.  I hope we can go though, it's fun and something to do out of town.


Ps!  I forgot to tell you, my braces are off.  I got them off a few weeks ago and am loving my new straight teeth.  I have a lovely clear retainer that I wear as much as possible.  The girl that sits next to me at work can't stand it when I suck the spit out of it.  Sorry, I have to get it out!

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