Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A trip to the Zoo and some salad

We are off to an amazing summer so far.  We have had the best weather, summer daycare has begun, and the boys are healthy.  Brady is doing awesome in baseball and Cody is actually being pretty darn good during those long hours at the field.  Brady pitched tonight for the first time and the coaches were so impressed they named him the new ace.  He asked me what that meant on our drive home and all I could do was smile.  I told him what it meant and he sat up straight in his seat like he had just won an award.  In a way he did.  I am so proud of him and can't wait to watch him pitch the next game.

We made a trip to the MN Zoo last week.  It was hot.  Funny, with looking through my pictures I didn't get a single one of the boys while we were there.  I was too busy taking pictures of animals.

It was really hard to get a good picture of the bear chewing on his stick.  They need to either clean the glass or replace it.  It was pretty dirty.  The bear was sitting in his big swimming pool on a rock that was under water.  It was funny, when you looked under the water his hairy legs were just hanging off the edge of the rock like he was sitting in his recliner having a snack.

Cody got mad at his dad the other night.  I can't even remember what it was about but before I knew it, he was stomping out into the kitchen into the drawer for scotch tape.  He marched right back to his room and slammed his door.  I peaked back there and noticed something on his door.

He was mad.  Dane was glaring at me because I was taking a picture of the note.  I was giggling.  Oh that funny boy.  Always a drama queen.

I made this amazing salad this week.  I found it in the Cooking Light magazine.  It was so good and so addicting that I had to share it with you.  Now if you like spicy, follow the directions completely.  If you like your food a little more mild, I would suggest doing half of the chipotle chili and half of the chili powder.  If you don't have any chipotle chilies, I would think using some kind of chipotle seasoning would do just fine.

I was out of black beans so I left them out.  Next time though, I will have black beans.  I really like them and think they add to food and have a nice contrasting color that would have been nice in the salad.  The recipe calls for 4 cups of lettuce.  If you buy a bag of romaine lettuce, it says that it's two cups.  I always get more than two cups of lettuce out of one bag so for my salad, I only used one bag where if you were going off the number of cups the bag states, you would need two.  I think two bags of lettuce would have been way too much for the amount of dressing it made.  Make sense?  Ok, moving on.
Here is the link for the recipe:

Hopefully that opens up for you.  I did not cut my red onion into strips.  I roughly chopped mine.  I like onions but don't like taking a big bite of them.  With the warm chicken breast right from the grill, it added so much to the salad.  Like I said, it's addicting and hard to stop eating.  The good thing, it's super good for you!  I used fat free sour cream as that's all I buy.  You can probably use regular or light if you have that on hand instead.  The dressing is so good that you could put it on tacos or just use it for dip when you eat your plain chicken breast that is needing a little lift.  Let me know what you think!

Have you ever seen a porcupine with such gross looking teeth?  I think we need to call my friend Jessie to send her dental team up to the zoo for some cleanings!  He just climbed the side of his cage trying to eat his way out...or maybe he was trying to clean his teeth?
